JulieAngelina's Blog

January 9, 2010

My Intention For My Blog

Filed under: Personal — by julieangelina @ 2:49 pm
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To all who come to read my Blog.

Firstly, I sincerely want to thank every person/soul that has been ‘an instrument’ in the evolution of my soul.  Some are from a past generation, some have played a more major role than others, some I have known for a long time, others a shorter time.  There’s some I have never met in person….well, not yet, anyway!!  Each of these souls have come into my life at the perfect time, for the perfect length of time… helping me to realize mySelf.

My intention is that Light, Wisdom and Healing would flow through me – to you, my readers.

Light – will always illuminate darkness. So, I intend that my blog will help reveal, and heal any darkness in your life.

Wisdom. One definition I have is:- Knowledge, intuition and experience combine to guide us.  I intend to help you realize your true wisdom is already within you, not in anything external to you.

Healing. Primarily my intention is to help heal the separation that has been caused through learned beliefs, that “God” is only found outside of you.  In healing that separation, you can allow all kinds of healing in your life!

At this time in humanity’s history, the “seed of awakening” has been germinating for a very, very long time, and is bursting forth.  For those of you who read my blog, and it ‘feels’ right – allow the process to continue, and allow the gentle unfurling of consciousness to blossom.

I know there will be some who will criticize and downright disagree with what I write.  I do not intend to change your mind, or anything you choose to believe.  Nor am I going to argue with you, nor defend myself.  If you find yourself in this catagory – then please just quit reading, and move on….Ahhh!!….too late!!!….that seed has already been sown!!!

Do you know?? – my reader, and friend, that you are a very special gift to this world.

So, let’s keep ourselves ‘open’ to all sorts of wonderful insights!!

Love to you all,


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